The creation process of the "Architecture" department at IIT has started since 2013 and it was based on in-depth studies of the needs of the job market and within the framework of the strategic orientations of the institute. Consultations were conducted with professionals in the field while being open to national and international experiences in teaching architecture (in particular by getting inspired from the curriculum of the National School of architecture in Tunisia: “ENAU”).

The program as a whole is delivered in French, with some flexibility to integrate English into certain modules.

IIT is among the first private institutes teaching architecture in Tunisia to sign a framework agreement with the OAT.

At the International Institute of Technology, the fundamental challenge of architectural education is the training of architects who are sensitive to environmental, cultural and socio-economic issues that will challenge them and enable them to respond with relevance and creativity throughout their professional life.

Generally speaking, the architect's mission is to conceive, design and supervise the construction of a building, regardless of its nature. As a result, he is required to coordinate with other team members and trades in order to successfully accomplish his projects. In his professional career, the architect can work on different modes of practice in the private sector as well as the public sector. Different missions can be assigned to him/her:

  • To ensure by his expertise the support and the assistance to the owner in the various phases of the project from the idea to the realization including the process of design.
  • To make the necessary architectural studies in the different phases of the design (programming, sketch, Preliminary Project, execution files...).
  • Coordinate all the studies with other trades (Engineers, design offices ...)
  • Supervise and co-ordinate the execution of all work activities
  • Supervise and co-ordinate the execution of all work activities
  • Master the management of the various technical, regulatory and administrative aspects of the architectural project.

To pursue a career in architecture with all this diversity, being open-minded remains as important as technical knowledge. This is why architectural education at IIT aims to stimulate the imagination and innovation of students, which must be combined with scientific rigor, sound knowledge and initiative. In order to properly fulfill his/her professional responsibilities, an architect who is a graduate of IIT must have a real sense of creativity, precision and rigor. He/she must master perfectly the graphic representation because his/her profession requires the knowledge of how to transmit his ideas until they become concrete. Although he must acquire certain autonomy in the practice of the profession, the architect must know how to coordinate with a large number of team-members. Having excellent communication skills and being able to build good professional relationships are crucial to work in harmony with the various members involved in the act of building.


  • Professions and sectors of Activity:

At the end of their university course, graduates in architecture from IIT can practice the profession of architect under different exercise modes :

M1 – Architecte en exercice libéral: l’architecte peut exercer en qualité de maître d’œuvre au sein d’une agence d’architecture (conception de bâtiments neufs, réhabilitations, transformations du bâti existant), ou dans un bureau d’étude.


M2 – Architecte Pilote de chantier : l’architecte peut se spécialiser dans le suivi et la coordination de l’exécution des différents travaux sur chantier. Il lui incombe aussi la gestion administrative et financière du projet en assistance au maître de l’ouvrage.


M3 – Architecte de la fonction publique : l’architecte peut exercer au sein des collectivités locales ainsi que dans les services de l’état relatifs à l’équipement, la construction, la planification urbaine…

M4 – Architecte Entrepreneur BTP : un architecte peut se lancer dans le domaine de la construction à travers des entreprises de bâtiment et de travaux publics (BTP)

M5 – Architecte Promoteur Immobilier : un architecte peut s’investir dans le domaine de la promotion immobilière.

M6 – Architecte Conservateur du patrimoine : un architecte peut se spécialiser dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine bâti, la réhabilitation et la restauration du bâti ancien, la gestion des monuments et sites historiques…

M7 – Architecte Urbaniste : L’urbanisme est la science de la conception des villes. Un architecte peut contribuer à la planification urbaine et l’aménagement du territoire dans le secteur privé et public

M8 – Architecte Designer : Un architecte peut s’intéresser spécifiquement au design intérieur des espaces ainsi qu’au design mobilier

M9 – Architecte chercheur de l’enseignement supérieur : un architecte peut mener une carrière académique dans la recherche scientifique, l’enseignement supérieur et la formation professionnelle des architectes

M10 – Architecte spécialiste en visualisation 3D : avec les nouvelles technologies en matière d’infographie et de représentation graphique, la visualisation 3D est un champ prometteur pour les futurs architectes avec les innovations dans les images et les vidéos de synthèse, la réalité virtuelle, la réalité augmentée…

M11 – Architecte BIM Manager : l’architecte peut se spécialiser dans la méthodologie BIM (Building Information Model) qui constitue une nouvelle approche collaborative d’appréhender le projet architectural.

M12 – Architecte Expert auprès des tribunaux : un architecte peut être sollicité afin de profiter de son savoir et son expérience pour des expertises dans le domaine de la construction.

  • Objectifs et Compétences

Afin de répondre aux exigences relatives à la profession d’architecte, les diplômés de l’IIT doivent acquérir une multitude de compétences Ces compétences peuvent être réparties en deux grandes catégories, en s’alignant avec la charte UNESCO / UIA de la formation des architectes :


I- I- General Competences::

GC1 _ Master the architectural design process: The project methodology.

GC2 - Have the necessary knowledge related to the architectural sector

  • Cultural and artistic knowledge
  • Knowledge in the humanities and social sciences
  • Knowledge of environmental sciences In order to meet the requirements of the architectural profession, IIT graduates must acquire a multitude of skills. These skills can be divided into two broad categories, in line with the UNESCO / UIA Charter
  • Scientific and technical knowledge
  • Methodological knowledge
  • Project management knowledge

GC3 _ Develop various communication skills

II- Specific Competences ::








The ability to design architectural and urban projects.




The mastery of the methodology of the architectural project.






The mastery of the different scales of architectural design.




A developed sensitivity to the socio-economic and environmental stakes of architectural practice.




Awareness of the preponderant social role of the architect in the creation of a decent and pleasant living environment for society.






Adequate knowledge of the history and theory of architecture, as well as related arts and humanities.





Adequate knowledge of the history and theory of urban planning, as well as tools and methods related to urban planning, urban design, and land use planning.





Appropriate knowledge of arts and crafts likely to affect the aesthetic quality of the architectural product.







Appropriate knowledge of building science and technology, including knowledge of general construction processes.





Awareness of the ecological stakes of architectural practice.




The understanding of the interactions that an architectural project.




Mastery of techniques and tools for the graphic representation of architectural and urban space.






Mastery of the tools and methods of scientific research related to the field of architecture and urban planning.




Appropriate knowledge of project management, site organization and all financial aspects related to the architectural project.





Adequate knowledge of the legal framework organizing architectural practice.





Adequate understanding of the ethics of the profession.


At IIT, the Architecture curriculum is structured in six years of study (6 x 60 credits) divided into distinct cycles.


  • Un premier cycle A first cycle consisting of the first two years of study (2 x 60 credits)It leads to he diploma of the first cycle of studies in architecture (DPCEA). These two years are devoted to the acquisition of the bases of an architectural culture, design processes, understanding and practice of the project. Holders of the DPCEA may be employed by architectural, urban planning, interior architecture or design agencies, design and engineering firms, building and public works companies, development companies, in preparatory or support missions for design ;
  • Un A second cycle consisting of the following four years of study divided as follows:
    • Third and fourth year of study (2 x 60 credits)These two years allow students to master dealing with the specific problems of architecture and to prepare for the different ways of practicing the profession.
    • The fifth year of study (60 credits):one semester of study and introduction to research + one semester of preparation of the architecture thesis
    • The sixth year of study (60 credits): devoted to a professional internship constituting a minimum of eight months of work experience.

o At the end of this cycle, the student obtains the National Diploma of Architect (DNA) which gives access to the different ways of practicing the profession of architect (consulting, project management, assistance to the contracting authority, expertise, project management...). Qualified architects can also work as public servants of the State, in public institutions relating to equipment as well as in local authorities.

The teaching modules are structured in several groups of modules defined according to the nature of the targeted knowledge as described in the study plan.


During this program, students in the 2nd year of the 1st cycle and those in the 2nd year of the 2nd cycle are invited to take a study trip abroad to destinations designated by the department's pedagogical directors. They are also required to complete practical internships in the field for a minimum of 6 weeks.